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The latest cancer news and updates from around the world.

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What Global Oncology Needs: Mutual Learning and More Funding

In order to control the global cancer burden, it is important to address the burden of cancer in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). But global oncology is not the concern of LMICs alone. A recent article by Kostelecky et al in Journal of Global Oncology highlights an important pillar of gl...

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When It Comes To Cancer, Geography Can Determine Your Chance Of Survival. But It Doesn’t Have To

Published on WBUR's Cognoscenti Blog, 7 February 2018 - full commentary here.   “Well, thank God you live in Boston,” my sister said when I called to tell her about my cancer diagnosis over a decade ago. That was the refrain I heard over and over. People were talking, of course, about Bosto...

Featured Blog Post

Unite to Fight: Together, We Can End Global Cancer Inequities

On World Cancer Day, February 4th, the international cancer community united to send a clear message: we must act now to prevent, detect, and treat cancer. To empower individuals and communities, Global Oncology and 1,472 advocates came together under the slogan “I Can. We Can.” This rallying cal...

Free Cervical Cancer Screening in Calabar, Nigeria

2019 CERVICAL CANCER PREVENTION WEEK TAGGED “SMEAR IT, KNOW YOUR STATUS” HELD AT PRIMARY HEALTHCARE CENTRE, NASSARAWA, BACOCO, 8 MILES, CALABAR ON SAT 26TH JAN., 2019   Implementing NGO: Pink Africa Foundation   Support Partners: Aggiewinsor Trust Foundation, Pathfinder International,...

Cancer-Related Development Assistance for Health (DAH): 2010-2015

Jessica Hale, Donna J. Barry, Billy Andre and Brian Hutchinson   Intro As the global fight against infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, improves the growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is becoming more apparent. This category of diseases, w...

Uganda cancer patients in limbo after radiotherapy machine breaks

In April of 2016, the only radiotherapy of its kind in Uganda broke down. This left the entire country without domestic access to radiotherapy treatment needed to combat cancer. The only option available was to travel to neighboring Kenya, which was not only far-- but prohibitively expensive for ...

Uganda Cancer Institute and the Lymphoma Treatment Centre

" The initiation and development of the Lymphoma Treatment Centre (LTC) was a result of cooperation nd hard work of many individuals at the makerere university medical school, MOH and the National cancer institute (NCI) in the USA. The inception of the idea started in 1965 during a meeting ...

Cancer research in India: national priorities, global results

"Over the past 20 years, cancer research in India has grown in size and impact. Clinicians, scientists, and government and state policy makers in India have championed cancer research, from studies to achieve low-tech, large-scale health outcomes to some of the most advanced areas of fundamental ...

A Milestone in Cancer Research and Treatment in India

"Tata Memorial Center (TMC) is among India’s leading institutions for cancer research and treatment.  Since the NCI Center for Global Health (CGH) was established in 2011, it has partnered with TMC in several activities.  These include workshops in clinical trials research design, training in ...

Ecuadorian Association in Favour of Cancer Patients “Esperanza y Vida”

The vision of this nongovernmental association is helping patients and their families in their fight against cancer. The association offer training programs in order to raise awareness and provide information about cancer in patients and families. In 2015, GlaxoSmithKline(GSK) provided a grant...

Ecuadorian Association in Favour of Cancer Patients “Esperanza y Vida”

The vision of this nongovernmental association is helping patients and their families in their fight against cancer. The association offer training programs in order to raise awareness and provide information about cancer in patients and families. In 2015, GlaxoSmithKline(GSK) provided a grant...

India Cancer Database

India Cancer Research Database (ICRD) provides details of scientists and physicians involved in cancer research in India along with information about their areas of expertise and research, publications and funded grants. The goal of the database is to foster collaborations among researchers and t...

Laron Syndrome: How 100 Villagers In Ecuador Could Hold The Key To Preventing Cancer And Diabetes

Laron Syndrome is an extremely rare disorder that causes those affected to experience slow physical growth from early childhood. Without treatment, males typically grow to a height of 4.5 feet, and females, 4 feet. In a remote village in Ecuador, there is a group of 100 individuals who all have t...

Laron Syndrome: How 100 Villagers In Ecuador Could Hold The Key To Preventing Cancer And Diabetes

Laron Syndrome is an extremely rare disorder that causes those affected to experience slow physical growth from early childhood. Without treatment, males typically grow to a height of 4.5 feet, and females, 4 feet. In a remote village in Ecuador, there is a group of 100 individuals who all have t...

NIH and Brazil Launch a Novel Funding Program

“The NIH and a major research foundation in Brazil have initiated a groundbreaking program that is expected to expand global health research by making it easier to fund scientific collaborations on valuable projects. The agreement was formalized recently by NIH Director Dr. Francis S. Collins and...

Brazilian Wasp Venom Kills Cancer Cells.

Polybia Paulista is a wasp that produces a venom that contains a toxin called MP1. According to a study published in Biophysical Journal, it has the ability to selectively lyse cancer cells without harming healthy cells. It functions by interacting with abnormally distributed lipids that are foun...

Research Study published that predicts colorectal cancer mortality until 2025

“Significant increases were verified in Brazilian rates between 1996 and 2006, followed by stable rates until 2010. For men, predictions indicate increasing rates both at a national level and by geographic regions, except for the South region (where a decrease is expected). In women, increasing r...

Study released that predicts cancer burden in Brazil in 2030.

“Cancer is currently in the spotlight due to their heavy responsibility as a main cause of death in both developed and developing countries. Analysis of the epidemiological situation is required as a support tool for the planning of public health measures for the most vulnerable groups. We analyz...

1. Brazilian law grants patients right to use untested cancer drugs

In April 2016, Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff—bypassed pharmaceutical regulation and signed a bill that “guarantees” individuals with cancer access to the use of a “miracle drug” that has not been approved in clinical trials. To make matters worse, the drug, synthetic phosphoethanolamine, ha...

Cancer Mortality Patters in Nigeria (2014)

Through 2014, there was little or no information about the deaths attributable to cancer in Nigeria. This made it relatively difficult to develop programs and infrastructure to combat the disease. However, a study publish by Olakanmi Ralph Akinde, et al in 2014 titled, Cancer Mortality Pattern in...

Calabar Cancer Registry

" Calabar cancer registry (CCR) is located in the Pathology department of the 451-bed University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar (UCTH). CCR though started in 1979, as a Hospital-based tumor registry, reporting cancer cases at the UCTH. In 2009, CCR became a member of NSCR and the registry ...

Ekiti Cancer Registry

"Ekiti Cancer Registry is located in the Department of Anatomic Pathology at Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado-Ekiti. ECR started as a Hospital Based Cancer Registry in 2009 at the Federal Medical Centre, Ido-Ekiti with the support of NSCR and in July 2014, ECR was upgraded by NSCR to...

Sokoto Cancer Registry

“Sokoto Cancer Registry was established by NSCR as a Population Based Cancer Registry in November 2013. The registry is domiciled in the Histopathology Department of the 250-bed capacity Usmanu Danfodio University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto. The tertiary institution has huge facilities for ...

Enugu Cancer Registry

"Enugu cancer registry is domiciled in the Oncology Department of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Enugu. The registry was established in 1988 as a Hospital Based Cancer Registry, but until recently it was upgraded by NSCR in 2012 to start collecting population-based data." ...

Abuja Cancer Registry

"Abuja cancer registry (ABCR) was conceived in 2009 as a Population Based Cancer Registry (PBCR). The registry is domiciled in the Oncology Department of the National Hospital Abuja (NHA), but receiving substantial data from the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH) registry." https://n...

Ibadan Cancer Registry

“The first Cancer Registry in Nigeria established in 1962, located within the Department of Pathology at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Cancer incidence data from this registry were published for the time periods 1960- 1962, 1960- 1965, and 1960- 1969 in the first three volumes of Cance...

Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries

 "In 2009, the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Society of Oncology and Cancer Research of Nigeria (Socron) and the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) conceptualized the Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries (NSCR). Since inception, NSCP has been able to revive national...


Find projects in... Pathology – Projects involving the diagnosis and treatment of cancer diseases Radiation Oncology – Projects involving radiation for treating solid tumors and malignant cancer cells Palliative Care – Projects involving the use of palliative care procedures Surgery /...

Kaposi Sarcoma (Soft Tissue Sarcoma)

Soft tissue sarcoma is a cancer that starts in soft tissues of the body, including muscle, tendons, fat, lymph vessels, blood vessels, nerves, and tissue around joints. The tumors can be found anywhere in the body but often form in the arms, legs, chest, or abdomen. Signs of soft tissue sa...

Gallbladder Cancer

  The gallbladder lies just under the liver in the upper abdomen. The gallbladder stores bile, a fluid made by the liver that helps digest fat. Almost all gallbladder cancers are adenocarcinomas (cancers that begin in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids). Gallbladder c...

Thymic Cancer

Thymomas and thymic carcinomas are rare tumors that form in cells on the outside surface of the thymus. The thymus is a small organ that lies in the upper chest under the breastbone. It is part of the lymph system and makes certain types of white blood cells that help the body fight infection...

Testicular Cancer

  Testicular cancer forms in tissues of one or both testicles. Most testicular cancers begin in germ cells (cells that make sperm) and are called testicular germ cell tumors.   SEER Cancer Stat Facts: Testis Cancer. National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,

Pancreatic Cancer

  The pancreas is an organ in the abdomen that helps the body digest and use the energy that comes from food. Pancreatic cancer occurs when cells in the pancreas grow out of control and form a growth or tumor. Tumors may be cancerous (malignant) or not cancerous (benign).   SEER Canc...

Melanoma of the Skin

  Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most common in skin that is often exposed to sunlight, such as the face, neck, hands, and arms. There are different types of cancer that start in the skin. Melanoma is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the skin ce...

Laryngeal Cancer

  Laryngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the larynx. Most laryngeal cancers form in squamous cells, the thin, flat cells lining the inside of the larynx. Laryngeal cancer is a type of head and neck cancer. The larynx is a part of the th...

Female Breast Cancer

  Inside a woman's breast are 15 to 20 sections, or lobes. Each lobe is made of many smaller sections called lobules. Fibrous tissue and fat fill the spaces between the lobules and ducts (thin tubes that connect the lobes and nipples). Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast grow out...

Lung Cancer

  There are two main categories of lung cancer: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Each type of non-small cell lung cancer has different of cancer cells, which grow and spread in different ways: Squamous cell carcinoma (also called epidermoid carcinoma). Large c...

Stomach Cancer

  The wall of the stomach is made up of 3 layers of tissue: the mucosal (innermost) layer, the muscularis (middle) layer, and the serosal (outermost) layer. Gastric cancer begins in the cells lining the mucosal layer and spreads through the outer layers as it grows. Stromal tumors of th...

Ovarian Cancer

  The ovaries are a pair of organs in the female reproductive system. They are in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus (the hollow, pear-shaped organ where a fetus grows). Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries make eggs and female hormones (chemicals that c...

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

  The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. The lymphatic system includes lymph vessels that branch into all the tissues of the body; lymph, clear fluid that contains white blood cells, especially lymphocytes such as B cells and T cells; and lymph nodes, where lymph vessels are co...

Liver Cancer

  The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It has four lobes and fills the upper right side of the abdomen inside the rib cage. The liver has many important functions, including: Filtering harmful substances from the blood so they can be passed from the body in stools and ...

Kidney Cancer

This cancer forms in tissues of the kidneys. Kidney cancer includes renal cell carcinoma (cancer that forms in the lining of very small tubes in the kidney that filter the blood and remove waste products) and renal pelvis carcinoma (cancer that forms in the center of the kidney where urine co...

Corpus Uteri / Endometrial Cancer

  Endometrial cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the endometrium. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus, a hollow, muscular organ in a woman’s pelvis. In most non-pregnant women, the uterus is about 3 inches long. The lower, narrow end of ...

Brain and Other Nervous System Cancer

  There are many types of brain and spinal cord tumors. Together, the brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS). The tumors may be either benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer). Tumors that start in the brain are called primary brain tumors. Primary brain tumo...

Thyroid Cancer

  This cancer forms in the thyroid gland, an organ at the base of the throat that makes hormones that help control heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and weight. Four main types of thyroid cancer are papillary, follicular, medullary, and anaplastic thyroid cancer. The four ty...

Cancer and the Oral Cavity and Pharynx

  Most lip and oral cavity cancers start in squamous cells, the thin, flat cells that line the lips and oral cavity. These are called squamous cell carcinomas. Cancer cells may spread into deeper tissue as the cancer grows. Squamous cell carcinoma usually develops in areas of leukoplakia (...

Colorectal Cancer

Cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer, and cancer that begins in the rectum is called rectal cancer. Cancer that starts in either of these organs may also be called colorectal cancer. The digestive system is made up of the esophagus, stomach, and the small and large intest...

Prostate Cancer

  This cancer forms in tissues of the prostate (a gland in the male reproductive system found below the bladder and in front of the rectum). The prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine flows. A healthy prostate is about the size of a walnut. If the prostate grows too l...

Oesophageal/Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer starts at the inside lining of the esophagus and spreads outward through the other layers as it grows. The two most common forms of esophageal cancer are: Squamous cell carcinoma that forms in squamous cells, the thin, flat cells lining the esophagus. This cancer is mo...

Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative diseases

This type of cancer begins in plasma cells (white blood cells that produce antibodies). It is also called Kahler disease, myelomatosis, and plasma cell myeloma. Plasma cells are white blood cells that make antibodies. Antibodies are part of the immune system. They work with other parts of the imm...


  Leukemia* is cancer that starts in the tissue that forms blood. Most blood cells develop from cells in the bone marrow called stem cells. In a person with leukemia, the bone marrow makes abnormal white blood cells. The abnormal cells are leukemia cells. Unlike normal blood cells, leukemi...

Hodgkin lymphoma

Hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system that is marked by the presence of a type of cell called the Reed-Sternberg cell. The two major types of Hodgkin lymphoma are classical Hodgkin lymphoma and nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma. Symptoms include the painless enlargem...

Cervix Uteri/Cervical Cancer

This cancer forms in tissues of the cervix (the organ connecting the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular Pap tests (a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope). Cervical c...

Bladder Cancer

The bladder is a hollow organ in the lower part of the abdomen. It is shaped like a small balloon and has a muscular wall that allows it to get larger or smaller. The urine passes from the two kidneys into the bladder through two tubes called ureters. The bladder is emptied through another tu...

Site Overview

Welcome (back) to The GO Map!   In this post we offer an introduction on how to navigate this new and expanded version of our online global cancer map and information.   First note that the website can be viewed in a variety of languages. The default is English, but other languages ...

Welcome to The GO Map!

The Global Oncology (GO) Map has been revamped to provide the user with a more interactive experience as well as to connect the global cancer community. Some of the Map’s new features include the ability to connect people with shared interests, an interactive map with customizable layers, and new...

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